Best Horse Sayings and Quotes

Top 10 Horse Quotes All Voted By Our Fans

These are the top voted Horse Quotes that have been submitted to our instagram account.

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  1. “The world is best viewed through the horses ears”
  2. “No Hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle”
  3. “Though he be but little…his is fierce”
  4. “A horse can only be as brave as you are”
  5. “Sometimes all you need is horse love”
  6. “Horses First The Rest Later”
  7. “Some of my best friends never say a word to me”
  8. “Horses will run into battle without a care but a grasshopper will scare the heck out of them…”
  9. “It’s not just your horse, it’s your partner, teammate, best friend, and first love, that is a bond that cannot be broken”
  10. “Every time I’m in the arena all my troubles go away. The only thing that matters is the HORSE”

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