Horses are very beautiful and big animals that are very athletic at the same time. That is why it is amazing to see them in action galloping fast or jumping as high as they do even though most of...
Category: FAQ
Attaching of the wither strap and mooring Attaching of the wither strap and the mooring are among the most common and important moments of horse’s care. However, if you take into account some of...
Don’t you ever just all of a sudden start wondering about the age of your horse? And ask yourself that “how old exactly has my horse gotten?” because it’s difficult to figure out the age of a...
Are you sometimes stuck figuring out what certain terms mean when concerning a particular niche? It’s not easy saying up-to0date with terms that you should know, but if you are interested in...
Equestrian sports competitions are amazing in their beauty and excitement. For the first time horse competitions (chariot races) were included in the program of the Olympic Games in 680 BC. Today,...
You probably know of someone that simply rides the horse without any training or extra activity. It is possible depending on the type of horse and the owner. However, lunging is an important aspect...